how to check LIC policy status without registration

lic policy status

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is the biggest insurance company in India. It offers varoius range of life insurance products, and millions of people have LIC policies in India.

It is important to keep track of the status of your LIC policy. This will help you to ensure that your policy is active and that you are making your premium payments on time in regularly.

k lic policy status

There are a few ways to check the status of your LIC policy without registering on the LIC website.

  • Method 1: SMS

You can send an SMS to 56767877 to check the status of your LIC policy. The SMS should be in the following format:

ASKLIC <policy number> STAT
  • Method 2: IVRS

You can also check the status of your LIC policy by calling the LIC’s IVRS number. The number is 1251.

When you call the IVRS number, you will be need to enter your policy number. Once you have entered your policy number, you will be able to hear the status of your policy in clear voice without any restriction.

  • Method 3: Website

You can also check the status of your LIC policy on the LIC website but it should be valid. However, you will need to register on the website first only one time.

Once you have registered on the website, you can login and view the status of your policy.

Direct LinkCheck Status

About Md Naushad

Hi there, I'm Md Naushad and I'm passionate about helping people achieve financial freedom through online earning opportunity. I've been working online for over 6 years. I've learned a lot about what it takes to succeed in this dynamic and ever-evolving field. On this blog, I'll share my insight, experience and strategy for making money online. I believe that everyone has the potential to earn money online, regardless of their background or experience.So, if you're ready to take control of your financial future, I invite you to join me on this journey. Together, we'll unlock the secret to earning money online and achieve financial freedom.

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